Elections are held in three different districts each year.
If you are a member of Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative who lives in one of the districts up for election, and would like to run for director, please contact our office for an information packet.
- Board members must attend monthly board meetings and other special meetings as they are called.
- They are responsible for adoption of policies, to assure democratic functioning of the cooperative in accordance with the Bylaws and respect confidentiality of information provided among many other duties.
Any member meeting the Bylaw Qualifications who has a desire to become a Director of the cooperative, may apply for an open board position. This includes minorities, women, and individuals with a disability.
Recordatorio: Cualquier miembro que cumpla con los requisitos de los reglamentos internos y que tenga interes en ser director/a de la cooperative puede aplicar para puestos vacantes en la mesa directiva. Esto inlcluye miembros de grupos que son minorias, mujeres, y personas con discapacidades.
District Map
The Election has now closed.
Nominees must meet eligibility requirements as specified in the Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative Bylaws. Nominees must be cooperative members receiving electric service at their primary residence in the district from which the director is elected.
After the filing application time has expired, persons may still be nominated by filing a petition form (available from our office). To become a nominee by petition requires fifteen (15) members from the district to sign in support of a particular nominee on the form that is submitted to the cooperative office. After applications have been returned, members in each District holding an election will be notified of those who have filed as nominees.
The petition deadline is January 17, 2024.
Should only one nominee come forward before the final deadline, that applicant will be deemed elected as Director for that District.
Should more than one nominee come forth by the petition deadline, either by direct nomination or petition, a biography of each nominee and a mail ballot will be sent to all members in the District on January 31, 2024. Returned ballots will be due on February 20, 2024.
Please return mailed ballots in the proper envelopes to the third-party ballot company, not our cooperative. Also, allow for any possible mail delays.
The elected Directors will be seated during
the FMEC Annual Meeting
on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
District #1
Dennis Anderson
District #4
Richard Schaufler
District #7
Jack Korman
District #
The following members have met the December 11 deadline to file as a nominee to serve a three-year term as a director representing this district:
District #
The following members have met the December 11 deadline, to file as a nominee to serve a three-year term
as a director representing this district:
District #
The following members have met the December 11 deadline to file as a nominee to serve a three-year term
as a director representing this district: